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Voice Change Note with pdf

Voice Change Voice হলো Verb এর গঠন যার দ্বারা Subject নিজে কিছু করে বা অন্যের কাজ তার উপর এসে পড়ে তা বুঝায়। Voice দু'প্রকারঃ(i) Active voice (ii) Passive voice Active voice: যে Sentence এ Subject নিজে সক্রিয় বা active হয়ে কাজ সম্পন্ন করে, সে Sentence-এ verb এর Active voice হয়। I do the work ব্যাখ্যাঃ উপরের Sentence এ Subject "I" নিজে কাজটি করে। "I" Subject এখানে সক্রিয় বা active. তাই Sentence টি Active Voice. Passive Voice: যে Sentence এ Subject নিজে কাজ সম্পন্ন করে না বরং object এর কাজটি তার উপর এসে পড়ে তখন সে Sentence এ Verb এর Passive Voice হয়। The work is done by me. ব্যাখ্যাঃ উপরের Sentence-এ Subject The work নিজে is done এর কার্য সম্পন্ন করে না বরং অন্য কর্তৃক সম্পন্নকৃত কার্যের ফল ভোগ করে। তাই Sentence টি Passive voice. Qbject চিনিবার উপায়: (1) সাধারণতঃ মূল Verb-এর পর Object থাকে। The boys are playing football. ব্যাখ্যাঃ উপরের Sentence এ "Play" মূল Verb এবং football এ noun-টি তার পরে বসায় তা object. (ii) অনেক সময় Active Voice- এ দু'টি Ob...

A farmer paragraph

  A Farmer The person who does the work of farming is known as a farmer. In Bangladesh the life of a farmer is not so good. He inherits a little land. He is illiterate. He does not know how to plough his land scientifically. He can not apply scientific method. He has only a pair of bullocks and some hand made tools. Often he has not enough money to buy seeds, fertilizer or pesticide. As a result he can not produce more food for himself and his family. He can not make proper use of his land. He gets up early in the morning, goes to his land, ploughs it, sows the seeds and weeds out. He comes home at noon, eats his meal, takes rest and again goes to his land. He is born poor. Sometimes he takes loan from the money lenders. If he cannot repay the loan, he sells the piece of land. A farmer is left on the mercy of nature. He has pleasures and pains in life. If he gets a good harvest, his face beams with joy. On the other hand if the crops are not good, his sorrows know no bounds. He a...

Childhood memories paragraph

  Childhood Memories Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of his childhood. Whenever I am sick of the present, I try to get relief in the past days of my childhood. I spent my childhood in my native village. When I was six, my father got me admitted into our village primary school where I spent four years. On the first day when I entered the school-compound with my father, the children were enjoying here and there. My mind was troubled with fear. But the warmth with which my classmates received me dispelled all my fears. My heart began to beat fast when I was taken to the Headmaster but his smiling face and gentle words put me at ease. The teachers were very helpful. I have so many sweet memories in my early life. My playground was the bank of the mighty Teesta. In all the seasons this river had great attraction for me. Whenever I was not at home, I could be found on its bank. 1 was very fond of stealing mangoes, liches, black berries and other fruits in the company ...

Traffic jam paragraph

  Traffic Jam Traffic jam is a common affair in the big cities and towns. It is one of the major problems of modern time. The causes of traffic jam are many. In proportion to our population roads have not increased. The roads are all the same. There are many unlicenced vehicles which should be brought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. They want to drive at their sweet will. Overtaking tendency also causes traffic jam. The number of traffic police is insufficient. At office time traffic jam is intolerable. Sometimes traffic jam is so heavy that it blocks half a kilometer. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. However, this problem can be solved by adopting some measures. Well planned spacious roads should be constructed. One way movement of vehicles should be introduced. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers ar...

Early rising paragraph

  Early Rising Early sing is the habit of getting up from bed in the morning. It is a good habit. It is essential and good for health. This habit is of special use to a man in various ways. The man who rises early in the morning can take some exercises or a walk in the morning fresh air by the river side or in the open field. The morning air refreshes both body and mind. Then the air is full of oxygen. There is a calm and serene atmosphere every where. One can enjoy the beauty of nature in the early morning. Nature smiles in the morning with colourful flowers and green leaves and the chirping of birds is also heard in the morning. All these make them cheerful and healthy. The beautiful gifts and colourful nature in the morning remind everybody of the Creator. One feels like to pray to God. An early riser has many advantages. He can start his daily work earlier. He had nothing to worry. He is never in a haste. As an early riser has enough time to work, he can earn more and become ...

Winter morning paragraph

  Winter Morning A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays can not get through it. Even things at a little distance can hardly be seen. Bird's chirpping is not heard. The cow and other animals can not come out. But it is not so in every morning. Dew drops fall on leaves and blades of grass at night. They look like glittering pearls when the rays of the morning sun falls on it. Village children and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather straw and dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in the sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing and getting ready for going to their respective places. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, pias of date juice and many other things. The scene of the winter morning vanishes as the day advances. The sun goes up and the fog melts. A wint...

A Rainy Day paragraph

  A Rainy Day  On a rainy day it rains all day long. A rainy day is dull and gloomy. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. The sky is not seen. None can go out without an umbrella. Water stands on roads and roads become muddy and slippery. Those who have offices and other business go out with umbrellas over the head, shoes in hand and clothes folded up to knee. Passers-by also move in the same way. Sometimes people slip and fall on the muddy road. When it rains in torrents. people get drenched  and stop midway. The poor suffer much on a rainy day. They can not go out in quest of work and can not earn their daily food. They pass pass the day through sufferings. Most of the students do not go to school. Only a few go to school but they get drenched on the way. So classes are not held and it is a day of great joy to them. Other people also stay at home and pass the day without doing anything. The cattle keep standing in their sheds and bellow for fodder. A rainy day is not ...